You would be correct.
I'll give you the short version - but rest assured when the chaos subsides (or at least becomes my new normal), I will be back to give you all of the gory details. (Maybe some will be excluded - especially the parts I, myself, prefer to forget! Some parts of the birth experience are just too graphic for this family blog.)
The short version is this -
On March 6th, my due date, I was induced. They started the pitocin around 8am. At 3:29pm, after 7.5 hours of increasingly intense labor during which I passed the point of no return for an epidural (by choice - I did it!), the mysterious Shep #4 came into this world. Arriving in the posterior position just like big sister, Abby, our newest baby girl, Leah Caroline, weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces and measured 21 inches long. Something about these feisty little Sheppard women - they come into this world wanting to see it all - sunny side up from the beginning. Her position made for a more difficult labor and the most intense pushing I've experienced. I had the burst blood vessels all over my face to prove it. (Not a pretty sight, my friends. Apologies to Aneesa & Co. for having to witness it first hand that night!)
No matter, what we held in our arms was a perfect round, rosy, healthy baby girl with a tiny bit of blondish fuzz on top.
And despite what I said a few days ago to my very own sister before Leah was born, maybe some newborns are pretty after all.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father. James 1:17

She is beautiful. I'm tickled pink.
Your family looks so happy. I couldn't be more pleased.
Congratulations. And thanks for sparing us the gory details...just sayin'
GOD BLESS you all, and may we continue to praise Him for the mysterious miracle of birth.
And for the awesomely gracious gift of being born again!
Love you all!!
Congratulations on your newest little addition! She's adorable. I hope the transition to four goes smoothly for you.
She is beautiful!! I'm not just saying that, either, because I do know that newborns can be odd looking birds. I had an odd bird back in '89. ( Well, technically, I had an odd looking sloth.)
Leah Caroline is a beautiful girl and a beautiful name. She couldn't have been given to a more deserving little family, either. I mean it very sincerely when I say that I'm grateful for couples like you and Sam.
Praying up a Sam for my Jennies...
She's precious, Jennie!
I do have to say...typical Joyce. Talking while a picture is being taken. ;) Love her so much.
Can't wait to see more pics!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! A beautiful addition to the family - she is perfect.
Just so you know: She's even prettier in person, and you look wonderful already.
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