I read an innovative idea that I loved on the Pioneer Woman's blog today that suggested Precapping our resolutions as if they already happened, as a way to kick off the New Year. So here are my goals and hopes that have yet to occur, as if they already did. Let that sink in for a moment. Then proceed.
My 2016 Precap
I woke up consistently at the same time every day, before my children, spent time in the Word and actually composed a few blog posts. Turns out, there are plenty of hours in the day to do the things my soul requires, I still have worthwhile thoughts, and I'm a better person for it.
I changed out of stretchy pants and into pants that button (or should, anyway) a few times a week. It was a genuine wake up call to my waistline. I didn't stop eating chocolate because of it, but it did help me reconsider my soft drink habit.
Speaking of soft drinks, I kicked them to the curb entirely except on Sunday with our weekly Firehouse Subs indulgence. I've filled my carbonated void with ice water, unsweetened tea, and coffee. Because I'm human. Not a robot.
I started keeping a food journal which is terrifying and convicting. Turns out I eat a lot of miniature candy bars. And chips. And McDonald's chicken nuggets. Seeing it on paper is pretty embarrassing. Letting Sam read it is even worse. Now I just lie and write "raw broccoli and green smoothies." Sam knows better. My pants still don't button.
I have purged mountains of clutter from our home freeing up all sorts of brain space. It feels like the weight of the world (or ten boxes and sixteen bags of crap) has been lifted off my shoulders. And also, our house feels a million times cleaner. Even though I still only mop the floors twice a year. Kidding! (Or am I?)
I utilized my new Kindle (okay, fine, the replacement for the one that got dropped multiple times by each of my kids rendering it useless) to read various genres of books, stretching myself from my usual self-improvement, Christian-fiction, and non-fiction ruts. I expected to be more enlightened, but since I wasn't I'll stick to what I know and love. Unless you'd like to recommend something to me, the next books on my list are Saved without a Doubt by John MacArther, Big Love by Kara Tippetts, and Smart Women Know When to Say No by Dr. Kevin Leman.
I banned myself from Facebook from the hours of 9-3 every day so that I could wholly devote myself to the job I took on back in August 2012, teaching my children. We might not adhere to those hours per se, but the self-imposed ban has increased productivity across the board and improved my whole attitude. I'm not distracted by the "noise" of unimportant tidbits and news articles. My family is benefitting from my presence. The only thing I miss is running to share the hilarious things my kids say. But to be honest, writing them in a spiral notebook is just as effective - and something tangible I can keep forever and share with them. (Although, I admit, slightly less fulfilling. No one "likes" my spiral notebook scrawlings.)
I went outside of my comfort zone and started a bible study for my homeschooling peers. It's not perfect. It's messy just like us. And that's why I love it. I might not be a details person (anymore), but I've found that when you find "your people" they don't care if things are perfect.
I put my own selfishness aside and set up more playdates, engaged in more social events, and threw caution to the wind and taught a class at our homeschool co-op. Turns out, I don't have to be scared of people. People are pretty cool. Especially when you get to know them.
I have no idea what 2016 will bring, but I pray it will be blessed. For my family and yours. While my words are few and far between on this humble blog, I hope you know how grateful I am to you for reading it, whether faithfully or for the first time.
Happy New Year, Y'all!
Here's hoping you'll be hearing a lot more from me in 2016! I think I've finally got this whole "six kids thing" figured out.