In the day and age of keeping up with the
What in the world did I do all day!?!
That's where the brilliant idea from the internet suggested that instead of making a To Do list at the beginning of the day that leaves you feeling unfulfilled and anxious at the end of the day, make a "Did It" list at the end of the day that leaves you feeling satisfied by all of the things you didn't even realize you did that day.
I've meant to implement this for a long time, seeing as how my To Do lists lately result in nothing but frustration. I can't imagine why.
Just kidding. I know exactly why.
Here's my first go at a "Did It" list. I think it's going to be super fulfilling.
Things I Did
1. Ended up with as many shoes and kids as I started with after departing the Chick-Fil-A playground.
2. Had a conversation with my 22 month old that did not involve any shrieking, by either party.
3. Completed a worldview lesson that led to an interesting conversation about how my children would describe me to someone that went a little something like this:
Me: If you had to describe my physical attributes to someone, what would you tell them?4. Cared so much about my kids that it brought me to tears around 8pm.
Ben: You have a lot of kids.
Me: I'm not sure that's a physical attribute. Although, sometimes it does feel as though you're attached to me.
Sarah: You have freckles.
Me: I do? That's my predominant trait?
Abby: have moles.
Ben: You have hair.
Abby: You have big feet.
Ben: No! I have big feet.
Me: So, you would tell people I have a lot of kids, moles, and smaller feet than Ben?
Abby: You have brown hair.
Leah: And brown eyes.
Abby: You look a lot different since you had Hannah.
Me: I sure hope so.
Sarah: You like striped pants.
Me: I'm the girl in the striped pajamas.
Abby: You have pretty teeth.
Ben: You're a vampire! In Pre-K everyone used to say if you have pointy teeth, you're a vampire.
Me: She didn't say I have pointy teeth, she said I have pretty teeth.
Ben: I know. I said you have pointy teeth.
5. Refrained from losing my patience until about 9pm.
6. Let my first and only "yell" fly around 10pm.
7. Fed a baby approximately a dozen times. Or at least it felt like it.
8. Wiped up about half a gallon of regurgitated milk.
9. Showered. Twice.
10. Washed a load of clothes without forgetting about them in the washer.
11. Polished off a chocolate cake.
12. Thought long and hard about exercising.
13. Danced to Mariah Carey-esque music in my kitchen after the kids were in bed.
14. Counted that as exercise.
15. Tricked the kids into learning about Henry Hudson at dinnertime.
16. Practiced skip counting 7's with Abby while driving around town. (Unexpected benefit, Leah has them down now too. Her favorite is 49.)
17. Resisted the urge to swing through the Dunkin' Donuts drive thru for an afternoon pick-me-up.
18. Removed a splinter from a kid's butt. (Don't even ask.)
19. Laughed with and at my kids.
20. Finished this blog post.
Definitely ought to do that more often. You should totally try it.